Emergency Preparedness Planning

Ridgeline Response Can Help You Create a Customized Spill Response Plan That Integrates With Your Existing Emergency Plan, so You Can Be Prepared Before a Spill Occurs.

Quantifying your vulnerability

Using GIS, we are able to quantify the areas of highest vulnerability allowing us to create a future plan for deployment of spill response tactics. Stop guessing where your areas of vulnerability are, quantify them, and be sure you have the right plan for the future.


Vulnerability Assessment

Using our custom-built Spatial Decision Support System in a GIS environment we identify client assets that exhibit a relatively high degree of spill vulnerability.

With our innovative and customizable criterion, we can focus our client’s EPP efforts based on quantitative analysis and vulnerability results. Our unique methodology allows you to evaluate large operational regions in a quantifiable approach so that you can be sure that you are focusing your preparedness efforts on the specific asset locations that matter the most.


Tactical Response

Conducting field reconnaissance, UAV imaging, and remote sensing to develop site-specific spill response tactics and control points in locations where our clients need them the most.

Our spill response experts will develop tactical plans complete with corresponding control points that will serve as a playbook for your operations personnel including but not limited to access routes, containment and recovery tactics, protection of environmental receptors, regulatory reporting requirements, communication plans, and vendor management.

In-field Training & Mentoring

Ridgeline Response offers in-field training and exercises to our clients so they can be sure that their personnel have the hands-on experience they need to be prepared.


Field Exercises & Training

Ridgeline Response has provided our clients with in-field spill response training and scenario-based exercises.

Hands-on mentoring and instruction are provided during the exercises, as well as an evaluation with program data gaps and corrective actions.


Site Inspection

Ridgeline Response conducts site inspections to provide our clients with audit/inspection results to evaluate the risks of a specific facility and to recommend the applicable mitigation measures.

Contact us.

Interested in Developing a Spill Response Plan?